FM Starter 2.1 with german manual

The latest version of FM Starter contains several bugfixes and small improvements. As an extensive innovation there is now also a German manual included. This should make it easier for German-speaking developers to explore the possibilities of the FileMaker Starter solution.

Version 2.1

The following improvements have been implemented:

  • German manual
  • User accounts: The email address is correctly editable again.
  • Global navigation: Assignment of user groups now also works correctly for indented menu items
  • Global navigation and scripts: Workaround for FileMaker file names with extra dot in name (scripts didn’t work)
  • Various small improvements

All adjustments are documented in the ToDo module.


The manual is available on

The manual is also part of the download of the starter file. Customers will find it in their account:

FM Starter is sold inclusive one year with free updates.

What is FM Starter?

FM Starter is a startup file for new FileMaker projects. Standard features like dynamic navigation, user management and many more are included. With FM Starter new projects can be realized much easier and faster. FM Starter is a product of Kursiv Software.