
Select any file and create a file path for FileMaker

Select any file and create a file path for FileMaker

Insert file and save in a variable. With sample file.

14. July 2021In Filemaker examplesBy Karsten Risseeuw1 Minute

How do you get the path to any file?

For a long time it was not possible to select any file without using a plug-in. Today it’s very easy. To do this, select the «Insert file» script step. The result can be saved in a variable, for example. The path to the file can be extracted very easily from this variable.

Such file paths are required so that the file can be imported, for example.

The following example file shows how to do it. This file was created with Mac. Check the results and settings for any other platform.

File Select
File Select

FileSelect zeigt, wie man in FileMaker eine beliebige Datei auswählt, um den Dateipfad dann für Import oder Export nutzen zu können.

FileSelect shows how to select any file in FileMaker and then use the file path for import or export.

Size: 40kb
Version: 1.0
Published: 14. July 2021

File paths in FileMaker - the basics

File paths in FileMaker - the basics

File paths are used in FileMaker to do something outside of FileMaker. For example, to import or export something. How file paths are created is shown in this sample file. Immediately a few application examples are also provided, how to import pictures, videos, texts or other files.

This sample file is about:

  • File paths in FileMaker
  • import and export
  • Import individual files or entire folders
  • Simple scripts for basic functions.
  • Extract filenames from containers
  • Calculate file names for export

FilePath Basics
FilePath Basics

Dateipfade in FileMaker. Beispieldatei. Benötigt minimal FileMaker Pro 18.
File paths in FileMaker. Requires FileMaker Pro 18 or higher.

Size: 130 kB
Version: 1.20
Published: 3. March 2021